anisette.cli ============ .. py:module:: anisette.cli .. autoapi-nested-parse:: CLI functionality. Attributes ---------- .. autoapisummary:: anisette.cli.msg anisette.cli.console Functions --------- .. autoapisummary:: anisette.cli.remove anisette.cli.get anisette.cli.list_ anisette.cli.serve Module Contents --------------- .. py:data:: msg :value: "Failed to find CLI dependencies. Install the 'anisette[cli]' package if you require CLI support." .. py:data:: app .. py:data:: console .. py:function:: new(name: Annotated[str, typer.Argument(help='The name of the new session')] = 'default') -> None Create a new Anisette session. .. py:function:: remove(name: Annotated[str, typer.Argument(help='The name of the saved session to remove')] = 'default') -> None Remove a saved Anisette session. .. py:function:: get(name: Annotated[str, typer.Argument(help='The name of the saved session')] = 'default') -> None Get Anisette data for a saved session. .. py:function:: list_() -> None List Anisette sessions. .. py:function:: serve(name: Annotated[str, typer.Argument(help='The name of the saved session')] = 'default', host: Annotated[str, typer.Option(help='Host to run the server on')] = 'localhost', port: Annotated[int, typer.Option(help='Port to run the server on')] = 6969) -> None Serve Anisette data for a saved session.